
Amadeu-Antonio Preis 2015 
der Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung
Awarded the main prize from among 284 applicants. The award recognizes the work of artists who stand up against racism and spread diversity with creative means.
2014 der Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken
The Kathrin Buhl Prize for development projects goes to initiatives who priorizise self-determination and participation in society in their projects.
2012 des Diözesanrats des Erzbistums Berlin
Integration Prize, awarded by the Diocesan Council of the Archdiocese of Berlin. It is intended to promote understanding between people from different nations, religions, languages and cultures.
Aktiv für Demokratie
und Toleranz 2011
The award recognizes commitment and projects that inspire and encourage other interested parties to become active themselves.