In “Not One Less More – a documentary theater play about solidarity” by Actors for Human Rights Germany three women tell their experiences of violence. And of the endless, empowering struggle.
This play does not talk about “the woman” or “about” women, but shows that what was developed with affected women together and unites their appeals.
Three actresses are on stage, to whom the women lend their voices. Kat Kat Tat (r a n d o m) accompanies them with a hybrid live DJ set . In conversation with one another and addresseding the audience as experts from experience and as people, they speak openly about their lives, their activism and solidarity with one another. It becomes clear that while more people are aware of domestic violence, society is apparently blind to other forms of violence against women: cultural and institutional violence against women is barely part of the public debate about violence. Intersecting forms of discrimination on the basis of racism, religion, classicism, ableism and the resulting violence against women are still barely dealt with in both politics and society.
Here it is important to open up the discourse: What does violence against women mean beyond visible injuries? What does multiple violence mean? And how are the women?